コール夫妻はそのテープの価値が全くわからなかったが、テープを買った2年後の1992年、ニュージャージーのちんけなレコード会社に連絡をとった。そしてやって来たクラーク・エンスリン (Clark Enslin) に合い、そのテープの価値に初めて気がついた。
当時のCNN ニュース
2008年、LAY LADY LAY のアウトテイク5曲と Going To Chicagoが収められたマスターテープがeBayに出品され話題になった。
▼Bob Dylan 'Lay Lady Lay' Master Tape Sells on eBay, for a Lot
bob dylan original master tape
You are looking at an Original Master Tape used on February 14, 1969 in Nashville, Tenn. to record Bob Dylan's "Nashville Skyline" Album. Please, click on the picture for some fantastic sound bites and more.
This is AMERICAN MUSIC HISTORY! Here's one of the actual 8 track tapes used to record Bob Dylan's famous "Nashville Skyline" album. What makes this so valuable is it primarily contains out takes of "Lay Lady Lay" which until now, have never been heard before. Released as a single in July of 1969, this song became one of Dylan's biggest US Pop Chart hits, peaking at number seven. This single did even better on the UK Singles Charts, reaching the number five spot. For auction on eBay is the tape itself, not the intellectual property.
The tape which is in excellent condition, has been spliced in several spots (common practice). We have played and tested the entire tape and therefore can state the condition as excellent. We have concluded that the version of "Lay Lady Lay" used on "Nashville Skyline" is not present on this tape however, there would be little or nothing that could be done commercially with the already released version. Featuring three "Lay Lady Lay" takes and two truncated versions, Dylan's performance on each were exceptional and distinctive. It is our opinion that any of the takes could have conceivably made it to the album.
Besides the chatter between takes, there is an additional windfall with Bob and the musicians performing the song "Going Back To Chicago" at the end of the reel. Our research concludes that this song ("Going Back To Chicago") was never released by Dylan! Obviously a departure from the album and a chance for everyone recording to just "jam" and relax a little. The group started playing and the engineer decided to roll the tape, catching the song after the start. It also has a one second blank midway thru. Take a listen for yourselves-just click on the picture. We have more information at GeoCities.
As a note, we tried to talk the longtime owner of this tape to see about releasing the material however, he just wanted to sell the tape.
To place a bid on this one-of-a-kind item please go to EBAY.
Tape Type -- Scotch 3M- 1"-8 track (Can be played back on a 1" or standard 2" - 24 track tape machine)
Length-- 27:05
Date-- February 14, 1969 at Columbia Studio A, Nashville, TN (from our research)
Personnel: (see note at end)
Vocals-- Bob Dylan
Guitar-- Charlie Daniels
Drums-- Kenneth A. Buttrey
Organ/Piano--Bob Wilson
Engineer-- Charlie Bragg
Engineer-- Neil Wilburn
Producer-- Bob Johnston
Notes-The above personnel are listed on the album, however on this tape there was an additional guitarist or bassist. Pete Drake's steel guitar was overdubbed later and not present on these tapes.
A Fantastic One of A Kind Item. The tape you are looking at is an Original Master Recording of Bob Dylan done on February 14, 1969 at Columbia Studio A, Nashville, Tenn. The taping session was for Dylan's "Nashville Skyline" album. It is labeled "Bob Dylan # 3. This Original Master contains five never before heard out-takes of "Lay Lady Lay", along with banter between the musicians and Dylan. Also found on this session tape is an impromptu jam session of" Going Back To Chicago" which was also never released by Dylan. Here's your chance to own a piece of American Musical History. For sale here is the tape itself, not the intellectual property. The tape is in excellent condition, has been spliced in several spots (common practice). To hear actual sound bites from this tape and additional information go to Dylan Sound Bites & More. Please turn on ActiveX.
最終的に $30,000で落札されて、今ここ↓にある…(笑)
(今回の話とは関係ないが、Nashville Skylineのマスター・テープをソニーは依然紛失したままらしい。今、ソニーが持っているのはバックアップ用のコピーのようだ)
Lost Warehouse Tapesの中にディランのテープは、20~30本あると言われている。Nashville Skyline、Self Portrait、New Morning等のセッションテープのようだ。
Another Self Portrait のPV に映し出されていたボロボロのテープ・ボックス…もしかするとLost Warehouse Tapesの一部かもしれない…
PVを見て気づかれた方も多いだろう。Pretty Saroは、Saraの歌。そしてTell Ol' Billが流れるがこれは、This Evening So Soonらしい。
また、Annie's Going to Sing Her Song はTom Paxtonのカヴァー
Annie's Going to Sing Her Song (Tom Paxton)
Railroad Billはトラッド
Railroad Bill (Minnesota Party Tape 1962)
ジョージとの共演はWorking on a Guruのことだろうか
Working on a Guru (Nashville Sessions 1969)
Tattle O'Dayはエリック・アンダーソンのカヴァー。
まぁ、そういうことはExpecting Rainで詳しくやってるだろう(笑)。
Isle of Wight…普通、単独でリリースするやろ、それがボーナス…おまけかよ(笑)。DVDと一緒にとか、そんな発想はディラン頭の中には微塵もないな。何でグリル・マーカスにライナー書かせたのか…
アル・クーパーは、Self PortraitをThe Folk Songs of America' or somethingと言ってる…
Nashville Studio A
Nashville Studio B
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