


インタビューの途中ディランは自ら席を立って一冊をの本を取りに行った。持ってきたのが "Hell's Angel: The Life and Times of Sonny Barger and the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club," というヘルズ・エンジェルスの本だった。

そして話は "transfiguration" の話になる。これは宗教的な「変容」の話だと思うが、詳しい事は知らない。

後半にインタビュアーは、再び"transfiguration" について、詳しく聞きたいとディランに言うとディランは66年の自分の事故にからめて話をしている。

"I'm trying to explain something that can't be explained. Help me out. Read the pages of the book. Some people never really develop into who they're supposed to be. They get cut off. They go off another way. It happens a lot. We all see people that that's happened to. We see them on the street. It's like they have a sign hanging on them."

オバマの話はかなりしつこく質問される。ディランは、具体的なコメントを避けるが、インタビュアーは、"An age of light." の話をもちだしてディランに迫る。ディランは「そんなこと何処で言った? 」と、とぼけるが渋々それを認め、「テンペストの話に戻ろう」と話題を変えた。

An age of light

「まぁ良かったと思うよ。監督はあの映画が理解されるかどうか気にしてたと思うかい? 微塵も無かっただろう。彼は良い映画を撮ることだけを考えていた。それがよく見えたし俳優も信頼できた」
Yeah, I thought it was all right. Do you think that the director was worried that people would understand it or not? I don't think he cared one bit. I just think he wanted to make a good movie, I thought it looked good, and those actors were in credible.

Oh, let's hope so. I'm always working on parts of it. But the last Chronicles I did all by myself, I'm not even really so sure I had a proper editor for that. I don't want really to say too much about that. But it's a lot of work. I don't mind writing it, but it's the rereading it and the time it takes to reread it - that for me is difficult.

Medal of Freedomにつて
I turn down far more of those medals and honors than I pick up. They come in from all over the place - all parts of the world. Most of them will get turned down because I can't physically be there to get them all. But every once in a while, there's something that is important, an incredibly high honor that I would never have dreamed to be receiving, like the Medal of Freedom. There's no way I would turn that down.

Yeah, I guess so. You should've told me you wanted to see it. I'd've brought it by and you could look at it, if you wanted.


メディアは、まぁそれなりに報道しているが、ディランファンは相変わらず冷静に議論を進めている。expectingraintransfigurationのスレッド、Ann Althouseさんのオバマのエントリーには90以上のコメントがついている。



上の赤いリンク、ボブのストア、Archiveの隣にあるIssue 1166



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