作品は「The Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams」というタイトルで10月4日、ディラン自身のレーベル(Egyptian Records)第2弾としてリリースが決定している。
ディランは、この作品に息子のジェイコブやハンク・ウイリアムズの孫娘ホリー ・ウィリアムズ、リヴォン・ヘルム、ノラ・ジョーンズなど12のアーティストを招いた。
ヴィンス・ギルとロドニー・クロウェルの「I Hope You Shed a Million Tears」にはハンク・ウイリアムズのスティール・ギタリスト、ドン・ヘルムズが参加している。
▼An Hour With Jack White(Pamela Des Barres/June 19, 2009)
P- That's exactly it. Dylan read my first book and told me I was a goodwriter one time. I'm sure that's how you felt when he just asked you todo a Hank Williams song on a record he's producing, right? That must'vefelt great that he reached out to you.
JW- Yeah, there's such areverence for everything he represents, let alone him. Everything herepresents alone, is like a joining of the family just to have aconversation. And you talk about that [Hank Williams] song too…
Thegreat thing is I live on the street Hank Williams lived on in Nashville and that song just came out of the pile he sent over, I picked that one. And there was this phrase about this girl with red hair, and Iwent, whoa, whoa, and I read backwards, "you know that I know that youain't no good." That was the first line! And I was like, oh my God!
AndI prayed to God, I said, please, Hank was walking on this street at onepoint and I'm sitting here now… let it happen again. And it happened infive minutes and that song came out. It was so cool. I was so thankfulto be an antenna like that for a second. Because Hank wrote the song,let it be an antenna again. That was nice. I can't wait for that recordto come out.
The Lost Notebooks of Hank Williams

01 Alan Jackson - You've Been Lonesome, Too

02 Bob Dylan - The Love That Faded

03 Norah Jones - How Many Times Have You Broken My Heart?

04 Jack White - You Know That I Know

05 Lucinda Williams - I'm So Happy I Found You

06 Vince Gill w/ Rodney Crowell - Hope You Shed a Million Tears

07 Patty Loveless - You're Through Fooling Me

08 Levon Helm - You'll Never Again Be Mine

09 Holly Williams - Blue Is My Heart

10 Jakob Dylan - Oh, Mama, Come Home

11 Sheryl Crow - Angel Mine

12 Merle Haggard - The Sermon on the Mount
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