全くアニヴァッてない50th Anniversary Collectionが今年もEUでリリースされた。今回は、6枚組アナログLPのボックスセット。100セット限定。12月2日にリリース予定(アマゾンでは10日にリリースとなっている。また、wikiでは11月と記されている)。とりあえず既にリリースされいる。
昨年1962年ヴァージョンにはThe Copyright Extension Collection, Volume 1ときちんと表記されていたが、今回はそれが見当たらない。今年も著作権延長用にリリースしたと思われるが、詳しいことはわからない。販売価格は£79.99 (13,400円)、eBayで£90~£500(84,000円)で出品されている。Amazonには勿論もうない。
因みに日本は保護期間が50年なので、切れてるということになるのだろうか? 詳しいことはわからない。まぁ、今やってるTPPで70年になりそうだが…。
▼Bob Dylan - 50th Anniversary Collection: 1963 (Steve Hoffman Music Forum)
▼Report: ‘Bob Dylan - 50th Anniversary Collection: 1963’ to be released on vinyl (Bob Dylan Examiner)
▼50th Anniversary Collection 1963 (Searching for a gem)
▼The 50th Anniversary Collection (wikipedia)

(Columbia Studios - NYC)
Eternal Circle (Take 4)Percy's Song (Take 1)
That's All Right, Mama"/"Sally Free and Easy" (Take 1)
Hero Blues (Take 3)
East Laredo Blues (Take 1)
Bob Dylan's New Orleans Rag (Take 2)
THE BANJO TAPE (Basement of Gerde's Folk City) 2-8-63
Lonesome River EdgeBack Door Blues
Bob Dylan's Dream
You Can Get Her
All Over You
Masters of War
Instrumental in Gerde's Basement/Jam
Keep Your Hands Off Her" (Leadbelly)
Honey Babe
Goin' Back To Rome
(Folk Songs and More Folk Songs - Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. - NYC) 3-3-63
Ballad of Hollis Brown
(Oscar Brand Show/World of Folk Music - WNBC Studios - NYC) March '63
Girl from the North CountryOnly A Hobo
(Town Hall - NYC) 4-12-63
Ramblin' Down Through the WorldBob Dylan's Dream
Talkin' New York
Hiding Too Long
(Town Hall - NYC) 4-12-63
Ballad of Hollis BrownWalls of Red Wing
All Over You
Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues
Boots of Spanish Leather
LP 3 – Side E
(Town Hall - NYC) 4-12-63
Hero BluesJohn Brown
A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall
Dusty Old Fairgrounds
Who Killed Davey Moore?
LP 3 – Side F
(Town Hall - NYC) 4-12-63
Seven CursesHighway 51
Pretty Peggy-O
Bob Dylan's New Orleans Rag
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
With God On Our Side
LP 4 – Side G
(The Home of Eve and Mac McKenzie - NYC) 4-18-63
James Alley BluesLong Time Gone
Only a Hobo
Untitled Blues Jam
A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall
(The Bear - Chicago, IL) 4-25-63
Honey, Just Allow Me One More ChanceTalkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues
LP 4 – Side H
(The Bear - Chicago, IL) 4-25-63
Bob Dylan's DreamBallad of Hollis Brown
Talkin' World War III Blues
A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall
With God on Our Side
LP 5 – Side I
(WFMT Radio Studio - Chicago, IL Studs Terkel Wax Museum) 4-26-63
FarewellA Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall
Bob Dylan's Dream
Boots of Spanish Leather
John Brown
LP 5 – Side J
(WFMT Radio Studio - Chicago, IL Studs Terkel Wax Museum) 4-26-63
Who Killed Davey Moore?Blowin' in the Wind
(Songs of Freedom - WNEW TV Studios - NYC) 7-30-63
Blowin' in the WindOnly a Pawn in Their Game
(Lincoln Memorial - March on Washington) 8-28-63
When the Ship Comes InOnly a Pawn in Their Game
LP 6 – Side K
(Carnegie Hall - NYC) 10-26-63
Blowin' in the WindPercy's Song
Seven Curses
Walls of Red Wing
LP 6 – Side L
(Carnegie Hall - NYC) 10-26-63
Talkin' World War III BluesDon't Think Twice, It's All Right
Only a Pawn in Their Game
Masters of War
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll
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