"I'm using the medium of television to look back right at us — you're flipping yourself to death with switching channels [in real life],"
Coming soonだった "Like a Rolling Stone interactive" ヴィデオが公開された。16チャンネルのケーブルTVの番組を模した仕様になっている。キーボードの矢印 [↑↓] keyでチャンネルが切り替わる。あのチャムリーも登場する。将来的にはチャンネルが増えるかもしれないとmashableは言っている。
The Price Is Right
History Channel's Pawn Stars
HGTV's Property Brothers
podcast Maron (WTF)
MTV's Girl Code
YouTube channel Look TV
sports channel ESPN
制作はテルアビブのInterlude、監督は27歳のイスラエル人Vania Heymann、ペプシやアメリカンエキスプレスなどのCMを撮っている。
121ch Music 1 Classic (a spoof on VH-1)
122ch Music 1 Bass (Cameo : Danny Brown)
123ch Shop TV (a spoof on HSN, the Home Shopping Network)
124ch History Network (Ken Burns-style documentary)
125ch Moviez - Love Is Love - (fake romantic comedy)
126ch TTC - Bachelor's Rose - (a spoof on ABC's The Bachelor)
127ch MTC Business - Financial News -
128ch Cuisine - Cooking Show - (a faux cooking show)
129ch Reality Check (Pawn stars)
130ch Look TV (a real youtube channel)
131ch GSC - The Price Is Right - (real game show Cameo : Drew Carey)
132ch WTFC - Maron - (real podcast Cameo : Marc Maron)
133ch Sports Time - Tennis Match - (real sports show Cameo : Steve Levy)
134ch HOME+ - Property Brothers - (real show Cameo : Drew and twin brother Jonathan)
135ch Just For KIDS - Zoey and Socks - (a phony animated children's show)
136ch BCC News (a spoof on CNN News)
※Girl Code (a real show on MTV) Look TVの中に入っている。
※ESPN (the real sports show with Steve Levy) Sports Timeの中に入っている。
▼Dylan's 'Like a Rolling Stone' Gets Its Own Music Videos (WSJ)
Written & Composed by Bob Dylan (C) 1965 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Created By Vania Heymann
Director & Additional Editing, VFX and Cinematography: Vania Heymann
Writer/Producer: Natan Schottenfels
Executive Producers: Lihu Roter, Tamara Harel-Cohen
Produced by Pulse Films and Walter Pictures
Producers: Lia Mayer-Sommer, Stacy Vaughan
Executive Producers: Yoni Bloch, Alon Benari
WPP Strategy Director & CEO: Mark Read
Design: Tal Baltuch, Alizarin Zroob
Programmers: Eric Baukhages, Patrick Griffith
Creative Technologist: Austin Beer
Interactive Supervising: Hilah Almog, Therese Moriarty
Interactive Director: Tal Zubalsky
Interactive Engineer: Tomer Lahav
Creative: Daniel Barak
DP: Michael Blecher
Additional Editing: Roy Kafri
Concept Advisory: Gon Ben Ari
Production Manager: Elise Majorossy
Producers In Israel: Shir Zehavi, Amir Tal
Production Designer: Nicholas Tong
First Assistant Director: Marc Kelly
Costume Designer: Melissa Vargas
Art Director: Brian Rzepka
Hair: Ami
Make Up: Hiro Yonemoto
Gaffer: Aaron Smith
First Assistant Camera: Dave Brickley
Second Assistant Camera: Mike Ashley
Best Boy Electric: Justin Deary
Grip: Joachim Glaser, Charlie Pearson
Art Assistant: Thiago Martins
Wardrobe Assistant: Melissa Infante
Production Assistants: Charles Carter, Darryl Akins, Brandon Polanco, David Bain, Sabrina Sahraie, Adam Chitayat
Drivers: Eric Bellomo, Kyle Clark, Matt Iafe
Post Production Services: The Artery VFX
VFX Executive Producer: Yfat Neev
VFX Supervisor: Vico Sharabani
Post Producer: Lynzi Grant
VFX Artist: Jake Nelson
Graphic Design: Carlos Soler
Animating & Compositing: Adam Deutsch
Editors: Danielle Katvan
Channel Credits
Music 1 Classics
Filmed by D.A. Pennebaker, Edited by David Tedeschi
Re-Edited: Vania Heymann
Music 1 BASS
Starring Danny Brown
Animation: Dima Tretyakov, Nadav Embon
Composting: Chem Weinberger
VFX: Vania Heymann
Shop TV
Female Host: Darly Wayne
Male: Steve Garfanti
Editor: Bill Stepanoski
History Network
Prof. Martin Child: Martin Pfefferkorn
Prof. Sarah MatterHorn: Victoria Nahorn
Dr. Michael Ryder: Joseph Cornacchia
1930's Don Juan: Roy Kafri
Love Is Love
Male Lead: Ben Kahre
Female Lead: Kat Seelos
Waitress: Susan Feiman
Bachelor's Rose
Contestants: Perla Murray, Anastasia Vazhava, Ty Hayes, Chi Chi Obi, Nadine Van Ashbeck
The Bachelor: Soren Du Hoffman
Editor: Tamar Glezerman
MTC- Financial News
Anchor: Paul McGuire
Field Reporter: Marisa Bramwell
Producer: Kerry Vaughan
Cooking Show
Host: Adeena Sussman
Pawn Stars
Hosts: Rick Harrison, Austin “Chumlee” Russell
Seller: Derek Stonebarger
Editor: Tamar Glezerman
Executive Producers: Brent Montgomery, David George, Matthew J. Braley, Joel Patterson, Rick Harrison
Supervising Producer: Peter Van Pelt
Director: Jairus Cobb
Director of Photography: Joe Murgia
Producer: Shannon Biggs
Field Associate Producer: Nawara Blue
Audio: Ben Sortino
Production Assistants: Jill Delaney, David Gardner, Chase Johnson, Sam Zapiain
Look TV
Host: Victoria Floethe
Girl Code (on MTV)
Hosts: Carly Aquilino, Nessa, Nicole Byer, Jessimae Peluso, Tanisha Long, Shalyah Evans
Executive Producers: Paul Ricci, Darin Byrne, Ryan Ling
Talent Manger & Casting: Lauren Zins
Production Manager: Katie Schwartz, Dan Kuvalakis
The Price Is Right
Starring: Drew Carey, Rachel Reynolds, George Gray
Contestants: Ty Fanning, Theresa Robinson, Jason Sarayba
Editor: Will Reyes
Production Supervisor: Raphael Laski
Production Coordinator: Ruth Du
Associate Director: Rich Preuss
Stage Manager: Jonathan Marks
Technical Director: Glenn Koch
Video Operator: Rick Labgold
Camera Operators: Wayne Getchell, Ed Nelson, Quinn de Varona, Brent Roberts
Jib Operator: Bob Smith
Recordist: Glen Penland
Post Associate Producer: Jazmine Eckenberg
Hair & Make Up: Carol Wood, Annet Ackerman
Maron (WTF)
Marc Maron & Ryan Singer
Cinematography & Production: Raphael Laski
Camera Operator: Daniel Batteles
Assistant to Marc Maron: Samantha Varela
Editor: Bill Stepanoski
Tennis Match
Anchor: Steve Levy
Diovesky: Shahar Rot
Plotnivich: Doron Amit
Bench: Niv Majar, Nimrod Rothem
Production Team: Eyal Goldman, Tamuz Roberman, Dana Standel,
Achiya Schatz
Casting: Sharon Angelhart
Wardrobe:Anat Svirsky
Property Brothers
Drew Scott, Jonathan Silver Scott
Boyfriend: Michael Davies
Girlfriend: Jennifer McKune
Sub Contractor: David Banks
Zoey and Socks – JUST FOR KIDS
Animation: Leigh Lahav
Editing: Or Paz
BCC News
Anchor: Danny Kushmaro
Weather: Gemma Harvey
Producer: Amir Tal
Director: Natalie Ezra
Executive Producer: Anaelle Heymann
Camera Operator IL: Camel Ibrahim
Camera Operator US: Austin Beer
Media: Yoav L. Wazana, Ziv Ben Gal
Sound: Nir Saado
Producer: Tim McHugh
Special thanks go to:
The BBYO Beyond Group, The Israel Tennis Center-Ramat HaSharon, Eyal Taoz, Israeli Television - Channel 2 News
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