昨日(5日)のマディソン(ウィスコンシン州)公演、いつものアンコール"Blowin' in the Wind"の途中で言ったそうだ。
"We tried to play good tonight since the president was here today."
"Don't believe the media. I think it's going to be a landslide."
▼Bob Dylan predicts Obama 'in a landslide' (AP)
Ann Althouseさんが当日のライブに行ったそうだ、彼女はこう言ってる
"And not a word... not a word... about politics. No imploring us to vote for Obama. Or even to vote."
Update 11/7
”Here's pretty close to what I said last night in Madison. I said from the stage that we had to play better than good tonight, that the president was here today and he’s a hard act to follow. Also, that we’re not fooled by the media and we think it’s going to be a landslide. That’s pretty much all of it.”
Update 11/15
@4:05-4:31 (piano ⇒ center stage with harp, Donnie on violin, Tony on white 6 string elec bass) by 5-Nov-12
“Why thank you everybody. We tried to play good tonight after the president was here today. You know we just had to do something after that, it’s hard to follow that. I think he’s still the president – I think he’s still gonna be the president."
Heh. (cheers) Yeah, we gonna win-
You know, the media’s not foolin’ anybody, it’s probably gonna be a landslide.”
Heh. (cheers) Yeah, we gonna win-
You know, the media’s not foolin’ anybody, it’s probably gonna be a landslide.”
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